Monday 7 March 2016

Why did my pitch look the way it did?

I used pictures to lure in the readers and to give them a bigger conception of what I am doing.The scructure of the text has a big bold text for the title per slide. Vocabulary;I kept this formal but also used informal terms to intrigue the people that are looking at the pitch. The structure of the text is staged up with bullet points. The spelling top notch because I had the spell checker on the computer.  The punctuation used is pretty basic, with bullet points and full stops and also a few question marks. The expression is not very broad it was kept small to keep viewers interested. My level of persuasive techniques is low.

Delivering a pitch to my teacher would be different from delivering one to my friend because because my Teacher will be assessing the pitch which maks me nervous and my friend wouldn't be also I would have more fun presenting the pitch to my friend as well as finding it easier because I would be less shy presenting it to my friends.
If I was to make my pitch again i would add more persuasive techniques into it.

vocabulary (technical, formal, informal, acronyms and abbreviations),

clarity of expression,
persuasive techniques (e.g. alliteration, rhythm, repetition),
mode of address (e.g. formal, informal, colloquial, authoritative, imperative),

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