Friday 6 May 2016

I have discussed different plans with my peers I talked through the different options that I could pick. Talking to them helped me consider my options.
Here you need to talk about different ideas you might have had for your learning resource, which is the best idea to go with and why.

At first I chose to make a how to tutorial to design a poster using Adobe Photoshop, but later on I then decided to base my tutorial on video editing. There were 2 different software's that I had too pick from. Final cut pro, Adobe premiere pro  I eventually picked Premiere pro because it is accessible on Mac and Windows. I discussed the timings and how long it would take to make the project in a earlier blog post.

discuss in some detail how these areas of planning could be applied to your own project idea.

Monday 11 April 2016

The start of my pitch is coming on nicely. I used the tarzan trailer for my tutorial I need to cut and add effects to my tutorial next.

I have already recorded me un linking the audio from the clips

Monday 21 March 2016


Firstly I am going to test out that I can use a screen recording app before I start the tutorial itself,  a screen recording app can be found on the mac and its called quicktime, this will record the full screen and then it will automatically turn it into a video. Secondly whilst the screen  recording is happening,I will open Adobe premiere pro and start editing the work footage that I have done in developing video.   I will :Show you how to put videos into premiere pro and then after I will add text to the screen recording video to describe what I am doing . I will try to keep this tutorial as short as possible as I want the people who watch it to not get bored.  Before hand I will have to test myself that I can use the software before I screen record I will also have to make sure everything is in order and ready to use. The things I will teach in the tutorial are: 1.unlinking audio from the video footage. 2. Adding adjustments to the video footage. 3.Cutting down videos/Cutting down audio. 4. How to slow down video footage.

Monday 7 March 2016

Why did my pitch look the way it did?

I used pictures to lure in the readers and to give them a bigger conception of what I am doing.The scructure of the text has a big bold text for the title per slide. Vocabulary;I kept this formal but also used informal terms to intrigue the people that are looking at the pitch. The structure of the text is staged up with bullet points. The spelling top notch because I had the spell checker on the computer.  The punctuation used is pretty basic, with bullet points and full stops and also a few question marks. The expression is not very broad it was kept small to keep viewers interested. My level of persuasive techniques is low.

Delivering a pitch to my teacher would be different from delivering one to my friend because because my Teacher will be assessing the pitch which maks me nervous and my friend wouldn't be also I would have more fun presenting the pitch to my friend as well as finding it easier because I would be less shy presenting it to my friends.
If I was to make my pitch again i would add more persuasive techniques into it.

vocabulary (technical, formal, informal, acronyms and abbreviations),

clarity of expression,
persuasive techniques (e.g. alliteration, rhythm, repetition),
mode of address (e.g. formal, informal, colloquial, authoritative, imperative),

Monday 22 February 2016

Written pitch

My idea will be based around a short film clip which will be presented as a tutorial as a learning resource I decided to make a video because it it what I am interested in . I will make my tutorial of what I am wanting to show using a screen recorder to record the steps of my project I will also use a microphone to make a voice over for my tutorial video.This tutorial video will last as shortly as possible, this will make the watchers not become bored. I am hoping to make it around 3 minuets long.My target audience is the next year levels 2s so 16-18 year olds. both female and male. This will be used to educate students on how to use premiere pro or even for anyone who wants to improve their skills and knowledge of premiere pro so they can produce a video of their own. 

Monday 8 February 2016

Verbal and written pitch- not finished

Verbal pitches are things like : meetings, focus groups and thought showers.  People use verbal pitches as a way to generate ideas. Many companies use these pitches with their workers to create better products.  Contenders that go on Dragons den uses verbal pitching to sell their idea to the dragons.

Written pitch

Monday 1 February 2016

Barack Obama

2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

Now even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us -- the spin masters, the negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of "anything goes." Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America -- there is the United States of America. There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America -- there’s the United States of America.

Reputation has been used  by Obama when he speaks about America being one type of person rather than having mixed americans.  
Obama reaches out to the audience in the presentation  he uses good body language and points and uses his hands to explain his words. The whole speech is formal but he presents it in a way that looks informal but he still seems to be very serious about what hes talking about 

Monday 25 January 2016

What makes an effective pitch?
This product was poorly described in the pitch.
The idea had come across as a unique feature and a wow factor with its futuristic characteristics  but the demonstration was a big fail which made the dragons unconfident in the pitch.
The pitcher described the product but didn't say how much he wanted. All together the pitch was presented in a good formal way.(apart from the failed demo).
The Levi Roots reggae reggae sauce pitch was very good he described it very good the wow factor used was the song that levi sung. He got mixed up with the amount of reggae sauce he already had. But other than that he got the dragons very interested in his pitch.