Monday 14 December 2015

Task 2

The resources I will use to make my project are myself, adobe premiere pro,I will use a few clips that I find on the internet and edit them with a voice over. LOGISTICS is how I am going to make it happen. throughout different 1st Finding the clips that I want to use 2nd I want to edit the clips then add text to the video explaining what I am doing

Planning is strongly needed to produce products because it needs logistics, which means how the the final piece is going to created. For example the locations, the timings that are available,the aims and goals you want your final product to be. The planning also needs resources this entails the equipment needed, the budget costs,budget costs could be used for travelling transport,equipment to make the product, actors and other general things that cost money, planning for budget is very important because know what you can use to produce the product from start to finish without over spending half way through the making.
Other resources contain the production workers and any other human resources that are needed. Legal and ethical considerations, planning for this is very important because you go over the: legal restrictions which is checking if the content or the film is okay for people to watch for example the people who made  (The Interview 2014)did a bit of bad planning as the movie got banned shortly after is was released. You need to plan if the product will give discrimination to anyone who consumes it. Freedom of information which is the right to access information held by public sector organisations. Anyone can request information regardless of your age, nationality or where you live. Planning for copyright is also a key thing to cover, you want to be sure that your'e not copying other peoples work without authorization and you don't want other people to copy the work that you have produced.   Planning for Advertising making sure that the adverts you make are legal to view.

What I need to plan. I need to plan the logistics of the thing that I am going to make for example I will need to plan the time that I want to produce my work.,
I will need to plan the resources, things like the computers that I will use .
I will have to plan the legal considerations all of the work I use will be authorized to copy. I will have to plan the ethical considerations to prevent making people unhappy and discriminated.  

Monday 7 December 2015

3 different ways of generating ideas.

One way is verbal generation. One example of this is a meeting which is a group of people that usually know one another that get together to have a formal arranged discussion. Having these meetings can bring great outcomes and its where great ideas can come from.


Another way is written generation of ideas. An example of this synopses which is a survey of some

sort or a brief summary.

A way of getting written ideas is to survey people. Surveys are really good because you can pitch ideas off and reach out to the audiences and ask them what they think about the stuff you produce. Brief summaries are also really good because you can read back peoples feedback in short terms and find ways to improve the project that you have produced.

The third way of generating ideas is by Visual Generation of ideas-

One way of doing this visually is by making a storyboard, which is type of graphic organiser which is displayed in a picture form frame by frame. Story boards also have a little of description saying what the drawing is.

II could of chosen verbal generation to pick my ideas but im not that good at talking. I also could of chosen to do a survey but I was not sure about how many people would complete it. I am going to generate my ideas for my production using visual ideas. I will be using a story board because it is the simplest and the funnest.