Monday 5 October 2015

Video clip

I want to plan and pitch my idea to inform and educate.    I am going to make a video in premiere pro. My target audience will be mainly for next years level 2's or anyone who is wanting to improve their skills and knowledge  video editing software or people who want to make a video for themselves. I will screen record what I am doing in on adobe premiere pro.

Planning and pitching

Planning and pitching a media is important because it shows how a project is being planned  and what’s gone in to plan it.

Its important that you make plans so you can send out a team of workers to different tasks to finalize the project, quicker and better.
It is also important to plan you projects before you jump right into making them so you don’t get caught up whilst making the project.

Planning also helps you have a safe budget so you don’t have to run out of money at the end the project half complete.